Link 9 Bicester Phase 3

The third phase of a new commercial employment campus development,  providing a total of 49,917 sm (515,788 sf).

This phase of two units provides 26,785 sm (288,316 sf) of floor space with 50m deep dedicated secure yards with associated dock leveller, level access servicing and parking facilities. The warehouses provide 12m clear internal heights and generous ancillary office space. All areas have good natural light, offices are fitted with raised access floors, LED lighting and VRF comfort cooling. The units benefit from full height entrance / reception spaces with feature lighting. BREEAM Very Good, EPC rating A. The first unit of 11,172 sm (120,255 sf) was completed in April 2019, one month early. The second unit commenced May 2019.


Link 9 Bicester Phase 1

Link 9 Bicester Phase 2


North Feltham

Redevelopment within the North Feltham Trading Estate to provide three new B1c, B2 B8 units providing a total 7,344sm (79,050sf) of new employment space. Each unit has a dedicated secure yard, car & cycle parking. The warehouses provide 10m and 12m clear internal height and generous ancillary office space. All areas have good levels of natural light, offices are fitted with raised access floors, LED lighting and VRF comfort cooling. BREEAM Excellent – EPC rating A.


X2 is a landmark two storey industrial/ warehouse facility with ancillary offices at Heathrow Airport. Each level has its own service yard areas with upper level access via two one way ramps. Following concept research and development studies, our involvement has been as project architects for the detailed design and construction phases of the project.

Catalyst Bicester Phase 2

Phase 2 of the sustainable business development comprises five larger units, providing a further 11,310 sq.m (121,740 sf) of employment floorspace. The buildings offer flexible use class E(g) spaces with generous office areas.

The second phase continues the high-quality design and character of the first phase; retaining the strong feature canopies, rainscreen façade elements and double height entrance spaces. The distinctive design aesthetic throughout the site contributes towards creating a strong sense of place. Targeting BREEAM Very Good.

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Catalyst Bicester Phase 1

Holbrook Park, Phase 2

This is the second phase of a 31 unit scheme based in Holbrooks, Coventry redeveloping an existing brownfield site. The proposals factored in the surrounding context/ uses inclusive of the neighbouring industrial park with live occupiers, the local park and a new residential complex that was under construction during the same project programme. This introduces complexities with liasing site access, timelines for future homeowners/ occupiers and general synchronisation of works.

The new units will provide a range of use classes B1, B2, B8 with assocaited servicing/ ancillary space. Varying the building sizes creates flexibility for future occupiers to relocate within the site or to combine multiple units if their business requires. The site is a perfect opportunity for Small-Medium Enterprises (SME).

Access to Holbrook Park is off the main estate road that is lined with landscaping either side, offering a green buffer to the residential properties. The units are situated so as to create an active frontage along Swallow Road with glazed entrances and alternate cladding colours to add interest and rhythm to the design.

Holbrook Park Phase 1

Walker Logistics Dakota Building

Walker Logistics is a family-owned UK and European outsourced Logistics provider based in Berkshire. Due to the growth of existing and new clients they are looking to expand their portfolio within the Membury area to provide a new 135,000sf warehouse building with ancillary offices and aircraft museum, together with associated access, servicing, parking and landscaping.

Taking into account the applicant’s specific spatial requirements and the physical restrictions on site, the building is situated and scaled accordingly. The brief introduced some unique considerations, such as the need to provide adequate space for access and manoeuvring of the Dakota aircraft to be occasionally housed in the museum.

Other aspects of the brief inherently evolved during the design process, such as the elevational treatment of the wrap-around offices situated to the south of the building. To allow flexibility of partitioning it is proposed that this elevation comprises sections of ribbon windows setting a regular rhythm to the façade at ground and first floors. These windows would also be provided with external solar shading in the form of projecting brise soleil in order to reduce solar gain. Emphasis is provided to the main entrance of the facility by use of a fully glazed element at the southwest corner. This glazing will be ‘framed’ by an overhanging feature that turns the corner, sheltering the main pedestrian entrance by means of a projecting canopy. A language that is reflected on the museum entrance to the north.

CGI’s by Hollis Global

Titan Industrial Estate

This 34 acre site in the heart of Grays sets out to provide a total development gross external floor area of 39,668sm (426,988sf). The existing industrial chemical facility is to be demolished in order to regenerate the site for SME’s (Small-Medium Enterpises) in an employment led mixed use scheme. The land is bounded to the perimeter by the chalk cliffs and vegetated embankments following its former chalk quarry use 150 years ago.

Responding to the site constraints, such as the steep topography, neighbouring uses and surrounding residences the buildings are accordingly scaled and comprise curved geometries, green roofscapes and a subdued colour palette. Unit sizes range from 4,000sqft to 119,000sqft that cater for more established businesses looking to expand. The elevational treatment is that of contrasting light/dark grey metallic, profiled panels with green reveals to highlight openings. Glazing is proportioned to the unit size and internal use with openable units to the offices.

Pre-app discussions and advisory comments have been taken onboard relating to the layout, connections to the town centre, roofscapes and the environmental impacts of the site. The project aims to reconnect the currently isolated quarry back into the community, reinstating the pedestrian/ cycle link to the town centre and providing a business complex that encourages local employment. Issues with security have been considered and conversations had with the Essex Police department to develop a detailed approach to the safety within the site.

Within the proposals are various inclusions to aid staff well-being with cycle routes/ parking, amenity areas, exercise tracks, picnic tables and a detailed landscape design. The buildings themselves also offer office/ warehouse environments that are well lit, high spec and incorporate sustainable technologies to promote healthy working.

With regards to sustainability the development follows a fabric first approach, incorporating high performance insulated cladding materials, PVs, natural lighting, EVCs and flexible design. The plans aim to retain and increase the rich biodiversity within the site – beehives, green roofs, ponds, matured planting etc. Landscaping is an integral element of this proposal, delivering a net gain in hedgerow units of 38.56% & 10.39% habitat units.

Vision 27

A new commercial unit of 2,500sm that forms part of the existing business sector and employment zone east of Basingstoke town centre. The scheme was developed with a consideration for potential end users and contemporary requirements, to replace the current obsolete office buildings on the site.

The site layout was arranged so as to consolidate the current access into a single point, better utilising the land, whilst improving the existing landscaping within the boundary. Supplementary planting was also implemented off site to further improve the biodiversity of the wider area.

Building fabric was selected to have high thermal properties, comprising of grey toned cladding with micro ribbed panels to the offices and feature band that wraps around the warehouse. The scale is sympathetic to the adjacent buildings, with an active frontage facing onto Stewart Rd to improve the existing street scene.

CGI’s by Blink

Bilton 1

A single unit built to replace the existing 3-storey brick office building, along with the glazed link corridor that connected it to the neighbouring Gateway House. The new unit, designed for use class E(g)(ii) and (iii)/B2/B8, features ribbon glazing, micro-rib panels, contrasting cladding colours in carefully considered proportions, a glazed entrance screen with feature canopy above. Landscaping was maximised where possible, retaining the natural existing screening to the perimeter of the site.

The works included the reinstatement of cladding to Gateway House, as well as associated service yard, car parking, cycle storage, landscaping and ancillary office. Responding to the proximity of neighbouring buildings and taking into account the impact of the construction works on the active occupiers of the adjoining site, were key considerations during the design and construction process. The outcome was a design that respects the integrity and complements the existing buildings in the vicinity, whilst providing an efficient low energy solution that suits modern requirements for a variety of tenants.

CGIs by Blink

Axis J9 Phase 2

The second phase of the employment development provides 23,225 sqm (250,000 sq ft) GIA comprising 2 units including car and HGV parking, hardstanding and associated facilities. The buildings offer flexible B1c, B2 & B8 with generous office space. Clear internal height of the warehouses is 12m. Both units have 50m yards, dock levellers and level loading. The second phase reflects the aesthetic of the previous phase with feature corners of rainscreen facade comprising alternating protruding fins and flat panels, with translucent cladding above. The Buildings are designed to achieve Zero Carbon as defined by Cherwell District Council, BREEAM Very Good and EPC rating A.

Axis J9 Phase 1