Bilton 1
A single unit built to replace the existing 3-storey brick office building, along with the glazed link corridor that connected it to the neighbouring Gateway House. The new unit, designed for use class E(g)(ii) and (iii)/B2/B8, features ribbon glazing, micro-rib panels, contrasting cladding colours in carefully considered proportions, a glazed entrance screen with feature canopy above. Landscaping was maximised where possible, retaining the natural existing screening to the perimeter of the site.
The works included the reinstatement of cladding to Gateway House, as well as associated service yard, car parking, cycle storage, landscaping and ancillary office. Responding to the proximity of neighbouring buildings and taking into account the impact of the construction works on the active occupiers of the adjoining site, were key considerations during the design and construction process. The outcome was a design that respects the integrity and complements the existing buildings in the vicinity, whilst providing an efficient low energy solution that suits modern requirements for a variety of tenants.
CGIs by Blink